Privacy Notice

Vestechpro appreciates your interest and would welcome your comments and observations. The following statement sets out the rules of our site regarding the use of personal information (information such as your name, email or postal address). Our website visitors are not asked for personal information. However, you may wish, on an entirely voluntary basis, to provide us with some personal information by accessing our Contact or Careers website sections. Vestechpro will not disclose, sell or rent personal data that you may provide to third parties without your consent, unless required by law. The English language version of the privacy notice about personal information protection has the same legal value as the French language text.

Mailing list amendment

If you have already subscribed to our mailing list and would like to unsubscribe, or if you have already transmitted personal information to us, or you wish to modify or have it removed, please contact Vestechpro.


Your personal information is deemed confidential and private, and treated as such. We do our best to ensure that information is thoroughly protected. However, in spite the security measures, Vestechpro cannot guarantee that said information may never be lost, illegally used or modified through fraudulent means since no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely confidential. As a result, we cannot be held liable for the misuse of any personal information provided by you or a third party.


Vestechpro reserves the right to modify this Internet personal information protection notice statement without further notice as it deems appropriate. When applicable, any change to this notice will be made according to applicable privacy laws.

External links

The site contains links to other websites. This privacy notice does not extend to the data collection practices and use of third parties, and Vestechpro cannot be held liable for the practices of these third parties with regard to the protection of personal information.


For any question, comment our complaint regarding this notice or Vestechpro practices regarding personal information protection, please communicate with Vestechpro's executive director. 

Postal address: 

Vestechpro, 7000, rue Marie-Victorin, Montréal (Québec), Canada H1G 6P4 

Telephone : 514 328-3813, extension 2883 

© Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved